Agents can print transaction receipt with a compatible Android device. However, the operating system of the phone or tablet must be up to 5.0 and above to be able to print transaction receipt.
Steps on how to print from a compatible Android device;
App Download:

1. Download and install Paga Agent app 1.0.0 and Paga Suprema Bluetooth printer on your phone from Google Play Store.  
2. Go to Settings and select Printing option to turn on Paga Suprema Printer.
3. Go to Settings on your android device and turn On Bluetooth
4. Press the power button on the printer to power it ON

5. Search for available devices on your phone/tablet and select Printer001 to pair both devices.

Printing Transaction Receipt:

1. Select the Print option after completing your transaction via the Agent Android app.

2. Locate the Options menu on your phone/tablet and select the Print option.

3. Select the Print icon to print a receipt.