
Will I get bonus for transactions performed on AVS?
Yes, but it is applicable to transactions eligible for bonus i.e. Deposit to Bank and Bill Payment.
Tue, 30 Mar, 2021 at 8:50 AM
How do I monitor transactions performed on the accounts I registered?
The history of all transactions performed on the accounts you registered is available on your AVS dashboard for monitoring. 
Tue, 30 Mar, 2021 at 8:51 AM
What is the maximum number of customer account I can register on AVS?
There is no limit. You are able to register as many accounts as possible. 
Tue, 30 Mar, 2021 at 8:52 AM
What are the services available to customers registered through AVS?
Registered customers are able to perform all transactions on Paga.
Tue, 30 Mar, 2021 at 8:53 AM
What transaction channel available to customers registered through AVS?
Registered customers are able to transact on all consumer transaction channels i.e. online, mobile web(desktop mode), USSD and mobile app.
Tue, 30 Mar, 2021 at 8:54 AM
Is KYC limit applicable to account registered via AVS?
Yes, the KYC limit is applicable to all registered Paga users. 
Tue, 30 Mar, 2021 at 8:56 AM
What do I do if a customer I registered reported an Issue?
Advice the customer to contact customer support on 07000007242 or send an email to [email protected]
Tue, 30 Mar, 2021 at 8:57 AM
The customer I registered could not perform certain transactions due to KYC limit, what do I do?
Simply advise the customer to send an email to service@mypaga or call 07000007242.
Tue, 30 Mar, 2021 at 8:58 AM
Can I create customer account for people outside my location?
Yes, you are not restricted to a particular location.
Tue, 30 Mar, 2021 at 9:00 AM
Can a Megastar agent opt in for AVS?
Yes. Also, note that AVS is open to all Paga agents regardless of their category.
Tue, 30 Mar, 2021 at 9:01 AM